What is Coaching?
“What we are aware of, you are in control of; what you are not aware of is in control of you.”
Psychotherapist Anthony de Mello
Coaching is about raising your self-awareness of what you do, why you do it and how to change it, if necessary.
Neurodiversity Coaching for Parents and Carers
As a parent/carer of a neurodivergent child/young adult we often do not have all the knowledge, and we learn as we go along. It is often hard to gain that knowledge because there is so much information out there. Where on earth do we start? It can all be so confusing.
Parents often learn more from other parents than they do from the books and websites that are out there. A majority of us here are Creased Puddle are parents ourselves and we understand how frustrating this can be.
However, you are not alone. Creased Puddle is here to help you, with our unique parents and carers package designed to support parents of children over 11 years of age.
How Is It Delivered?
You will be provided with an online (via MS Teams) 5-part awareness and coaching package, which enables you to gain knowledge from an expert Neurodiversity Consultant (and parent), share challenges and solutions with other parents/carers and receive group coaching.
- A 1.5hr webinar on Neurodivergent Conditions, challenges, strengths, and areas of overlap for all neurodivergent conditions. The areas of overlap are: Executive Function, Stimming, Masking and the Sensory Environment.
- A facilitated 1.5 hr group session of 6 parent/carers discussing the executive functioning challenges you face with your children/young adults. Together we will share solutions and create new ones for you to use/trial.
- A facilitated 1.5 hr group session of 6 parent/carers discussing stimming and sensory world challenges you face with your children/young adults. Together we will share solutions and create new ones for you to use/trial.
- A facilitated 1.5 hr group session of 6 parent/carers discussing masking and anxiety for your child/young adult. Together we will share solutions and create new ones for you to use/trial.
- A facilitated 1.5 hr group session of 6 parents/carers reviewing the solutions you have tried, their impact and your learnings.
When Does the Programme Start?
Both programmes start in December
The first webinar is between 10:00 and 11:30 on December 3rd. Following this, the subsequent sessions will be held on the following dates:
- December 3rd, 10:00 to 11:30
- December 12th, 10:00 to 11:30
- December 17th, 10:00 to 11:30
- January 16th, 10:00 to 11:30
- January 21st, 10:00 to 11:30
Got Questions?
If you would like to ask us any questions about this coaching then please email us.