As part of Neurodiversity Celebration Week 2023, the Creased Puddle Team and guests are hosting a series of online events exploring various topics on Neurodiversity in the workplace and the criminal justice system. All of the events are online and FREE. You just need to click the links below to register your place:

We kick of the week of events with CEO Caroline Turner hosting a webinar on Creating a Neuroinclusive Workplace. This will spotlight what Neurodiversity is, outline different neurodivergent conditions and explain the challenges experienced by neurodivergent people in the workplace, as well the incredible benefits that diverse thinkers can contribute to any working environment. Book your place

Dr Alice Siberry will discuss the role that neurodiversity plays in performance and conduct in the workplace. This webinar will present key findings from analysis conducted on Creased Puddle’s Workplace Needs Assessments and will conclude with recommendations from our upcoming White Paper on Professional Standards in public sector and policing organisations. Book you place

Join friend and supporter of Creased Puddle, Dr Chloe Holloway-George, Assistant Professor in Criminal Law and Criminal Justice at the University of Nottingham in this very special webinar: Improving the Support of Neurodivergent People in the Criminal Justice System: What Next? Book your place

Remi Chappell will introduce what Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder is, the commonly associated strengths and challenges and present key ways to support ADHDers in your organisation. Book your place

In this webinar, Remi will highlight what Neurodiversity is, and about different neurodivergent conditions, explaining the challenges experienced by neurodivergent people in the workplace, as well the incredible benefits that diverse thinkers can contribute to any working environment. Book your place

Dr Alice Siberry, outlines areas of intersectionality that are both well-researched and under-researched in relation to neurodiversity. It is a call to action for organisations and businesses to consider the importance of neurodiversity and intersectionality. Book your place
All of the events can be viewed and booked here: Neurodiversity Celebration Week 2023 – Events | Eventbrite