So, if you are working to make your organisation more neurodivergent friendly and inclusive, its always a good idea to start at the beginning. However, knowing where the beginning is, is different for every organisation.
Our solution for this is ‘Huddle’. ‘Huddle’ is a digital company wide assessment tool. It collects data, both quantitative and qualitative so that you can record your starting point. It was built by our Psychologists and has been impact assessed by end users.

Its easy to use, straight to the point and provides an easy illustration of not only what you need to do but what to prioritise.

Huddle Neurodiversity Audit tool is completely scalable, you don’t have a to be a huge business to benefit from getting an accurate picture.

Having an assessment gives you some immediate insight into what can be done to support someone effectively.
Nicole Mikulla, Enterprise Client Manager, UK: IT & Engineering (Adecco Group)