Access to Work

Access to Work Services

Our Access To Work services provide key support to individuals and organisations alike.

Access to Work – guidance

If you fit certain criteria you may be entitled to funding via Access to Work.  Having done so, and been successful, you may have been awarded this funding to purchase equipment, awareness sessions for your team or coaching.

The administration process can be confusing so we have put together this helpful guidance to assist you with the clerical process.

If you work for an organisation you may find it useful to find someone to assist you.

  1. Your employer will have been sent a ‘Grant Letter’ which is called a ATW02EL. On the 2nd page of this are the timeframes for the award.  These are extremely important as your award does not have an indefinite amount of time.  You must claim back invoices within 9 months of the session invoiced.
  2. If you decide that you’d like Creased Puddle to deliver your coaching then just email us on [email protected] or phone us on 0800 6696035.  Our friendly office team will then guide you through how to book
  3. Our contract is formed with your organisation so although you can book your services with us you should have the authorisation to do so or someone in your organisation can do this for you. Often it’s a HR representative or your line manager.
  4. We will invoice your organisation for the full amount when the service is booked. If you do not complete your coaching then we will credit them minus any administration charges as laid down in our Terms and Conditions
  5. The paperwork and emails that have been sent to you and your employer, from Access to Work, will stipulate the detail of how many sessions you can book at one time and when you can claim them back, its often easier to wait until you have finished your whole course as long as you are in time.


To claim back funding for each invoice for coaching you will need to complete;

  • DP228JP - New or amended details (with your organisation’s bank account details)
  • DP222JP - Claim for Support Worker costs (for dates and number of sessions)

If we have also provided you with Disability Awareness then this is claimed back on another form - DP224JP.

You will then post your forms and invoices to:

Access to Work Service Centre
Harrow Jobcentre
Mail Handling Site A
WV98 1JE

If you are self employed we have a dedicated system to assist with this, please let us know if you would like to know more about this when you contact us.

You will see that you can complete much of the paperwork online however ‘wet’ signatures are still required for the claim forms.

If you have any questions you can ring Access to Work on 0800 1217479 or email at [email protected]